Thursday, May 31, 2007

A drawing of Rachel

A drawing of Rachel
Originally uploaded by Gene ebandit Black
After taking some wonderful photos of a lovely young lady, I had to draw her. I hope I can translate it into a watercolor of her. My drawing doesn't do her lovely face justice but like any muse, she inspired me.

Find a muse and get inspired.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Video blog #1

This is a new idea for me. I "borrowed" the idea from another blog elsewhere.

Take a tour of my home and work area. See art in progress. Make witty comments.

This is my first video blog attempt. Hopefully I will be more organized for my next video blog. However, this is the way my work area normally looks. A creative organized mess.

The "not a painting" is a canvas that I put leftover paint on and later it will become a painting. I will not be facing a blank canvas. It can be great fun and a good challenge to paint on one of these.

Monday, May 14, 2007

On my easel- finished or not?

I have several works that are in progress on my easel. I am thinking that maybe one or two may be finished. I need your opinions and ideas.


Door to Phantasie


Please chime in with your thoughts, opinions, and ideas.

Thanks in advance!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Tonight I have been a jewelry making fool. The Pedaling Art Show has me listed on the website and in addition to my paintings they listed my jewelry. Ha. Inventory was low- too low for a show that draws a mega crowd.

So I spent a few hours taking my one of a kind polymer clay designed beads and pendants and did a stringing event. My eyes are pretty crossed right now. Some of those findings are tiny. But the finished products look oh so good. The ones that required glue are still drying. There is much more to do tomorrow night, but for now I need to rest. I doubt that I will bet any pictures posted this week. And if I am fortunate, there will be little left to take photos of after the show. This is going to be a busy, busy week for me.
Peace ya'll

Pedaling Art Show (and an auction)

I will be participating this weekend in the Pedaling Art Show as a part of the Noble Street Festival in Anniston, Alabama.

This year I will have at least a few pieces of my jewelry on sale as well as some notecards that are printed with my art. Of course I will have some original paintings for sale, like "The Fishes" and "Herewith" below in my blog. I have some more 5" by 7" paintings that I have "almost finished" that will be going also.

Send good vibes, or say a prayer (or whatever you do) that I will have a good day with sales. (and that the rain doesn't happen when it will damage my stuff)

I almost forgot that Friday night is the Visual Arts Society Gala and Auction. I have donated a painting (called Vivid Landscape in this blog-later renamed to Music of the Mountains)
I am hoping it will sell well and bring lots of $$$ to fund scholarships thru the society.