As you may have noticed, I haven't been posting a lot lately. This time of enforced alone time has affected people in many different ways. Some have been very driven creatively. Others of us have switched gears a bit and are doing different things.
As an introvert, I expected to be just fine and have most everything "as usual." But, I found out differently. I am not unhappy or depressed. I am just "in a different place" mentally. One thing that has helped a lot is music. I have been playing my ukulele - sometimes outside on the front steps - sometimes in my living room.
I have always loved a variety of musical instruments. Over the years I have had keyboards, a guitar, claves, an afuché, pennywhistles, native American flutes, a recorder, a kalimba, harmonicas, and probably some others that I have forgotten.
A couple that have always fascinated me are the Appalachian dulcimer (aka mountain dulcimer) and the autoharp (and dare I mention the accordion?) So, I finally decided to get an autoharp to play with.
The autoharp has 36 or 37 strings depending on the make. It can have different numbers of chords/chord bars but 15 or 21 are most common. The one I am getting has 21 - which allows for a wider variety of songs to be played on it.
The downside to buying one online is that you have to tune it yourself. This means daily tuning for about two weeks until the strings "settle." Then it is normal to have to tune occasionally as the humidity/ temperature changes - like any stringed instrument.
Honestly I am looking forward to the arrival - Wednesday or Thursday. But don't expect to hear me playing it any time soon.
How has your creativity changed (or not) during this time of quarantine? Remember to judge yourself kindly. We all have different mindsets and ways of coping. If you are blocked creatively, just watch some youtube videos that make you smile or at least forget the current situation. Give yourself a break and carry on as best you can. And if you need someone to talk to email a friend or two or three until you find one that is there for you.
And remember to breathe slowly and deeply - and just relax...we will make it through this.
Until Next Time,
Hang in there!

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