Today's post is a potpourri of photos. I have always been a doodler. For a while, I did a lot of Zentangle type doodles. Many of them were done as ATC's (artist trading cards.) Here is a small collection of them.

Back when I was doing these, a blog reader told me "You are doing quilting designs, you should start quilting." It was a few years later that a friend asked me to just sit in her quilting class and try to do what she was teaching. She said, I just want a friendly face in the room. Ha, I think she knew that I would be hooked and become a quilter.
Another love of mine is travel. I don't get to do it as much as I would like, but when I go, I usually take photos of things that strike me as interesting or happy. While in Mexico, I saw this face over a doorway that made me smile, so I hope you smile too.
And just for grins, here a a photo of a MUCH younger "me" with someone you just may recognize.
I wish I still had all of that hair that I had then.
And yes, that really is "her." We were both a lot younger then.
I think this was made in the early '90s.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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