I will start with the update on the SAHRR quilt I am making. I completed the other side part and have it all sewn together now.
Oh my goodness, how I am loving this thing. I started with a rectangle so that it wouldn't be square but now it is almost square again. LOL. I will have to add strips at some point to the top and bottom to make it a rectangle again. I am trying to stay within a color palette for this one. So far, so good. But, I confess that I keep wanting to add a red or a yellow in it.
Will I be able to resist? Stay tuned!
In a weaving class, we talked about creating with eyes that shine.
I think my eyes are shining with creative joy in this photo.
Ignore the fact that I need a shave in the photo. Ha ha. You can ignore the
"frosting" in my eyebrows also. I am "too far gone" to cover all the gray.
One comment I got said "I wish I were as creative as you are"
My Reponse:
Here are a couple of things I have written especially for people who wish they were creative.
People say "You are so creative, I don't have a creative bone in my body."
I say "Of course you do."
The thing is that these people are afraid of failure. If you want to be more creative you need to accept failure as just one of the steps in the process. Do I fail? Ha ha! Yes, at least as much as I succeed. But I try to learn from it and go forward to create again.
Sure you will make a mess. You will waste some materials. You will be ashamed to show the thing you made.
But you will grow. You will make something you ARE PROUD to show - and honestly that first something you are proud of probably won't be so great. But it is another step forward. And as you keep stepping forward, you get better and better. Your "failures" are not (generally) as bad.
You learn to laugh at your mistakes and fix them or do it again, without saying "I am just not that creative."
At that point, people will be telling you "You are so creative, I don't have a creative bone in my body." But you will know that they only need to channel what is innately there.
Creative work doesn't require that you start with talent. You just need to show up and be willing to try again and again. Mistakes are part of the process. Sometimes, they are a part of the joy of creating. And sometimes they are learning experiences.
-Gene Black
Have a wonderful weekend.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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