Thursday, July 11, 2024

Friday Fun with Art

I have been having fun with digital art again.  Until Wednesday night when I had a panic moment. There is a special adapter that I used to charge the Apple Pencil.  I went to get it from my backpack and it wasn't there!  Yikes, what to do?  I thought about it a bit and decided that I had probably left it at Mom's.  You see the charge lasts a good while and that was the last place I had charged it. So, I went to bed and tossed a bit.  I considered calling my brother, but knowing that he was going on a trip Thursday morning, I didn't want to interrupt his sleep.  
I got to sleep and slept thru the night. The first thing I thought about was "is it at Mom's?"  So I texted him. He said that he thought so.  Whew! 
At lunch on Thursday, I was at Mom's so I looked. Yes!!! it was there. I grabbed it and put it by the door. It is now safely home. LOL.  I ordered an aftermarket spare to have at Mom's house. 

Now onto the art pieces I have created.   This first one uses some "digital stamps" that I have altered, cobbled together and painted. 

Next is a re-do of one that I created using one of my quilted faces as a guide. 
I changed her hair and her lips and altered the angle of her head.

you can see the original HERE

And finally the latest piece that was completed is an underwater scene based on some real elements but put together in a pure fantasy combination. I really love this one. 
There is transparency, lots of layers and fun use of depth.  
The bubbles were learned in an online class, and I have to say, I love them. 
I need to finish the class, but I am not sure when I will have the time to do it. 

By the way, I can offer you a link for a free one month trial of Creative Bug (where I took this class) 

I am linking up with Nicole for the Friday Face Off.  Even the fishes and eels in my drawing have faces. 

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


DVArtist said...

Ohhhh these are so awesome. I do love that first one. Glad the adapter was at your mom's. Ohhh and the comment was not harsh at all. I do not wallow in the bad things. Keep going and look for all the good I can find. I love the way you did the facial hair on this guy. Well done my friend.

Iris Flavia said...

I think I would not have found a sleepy night!
Good all came out well.
I feel soooooo old. I really need a pencil in my hand and paper!
Yours came out great! Happy Friday!
Maybe... make a tutorial on how you did this?

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful faces but my fave is the underwater piece, fantastic! Glad you found your pencil. Happy Friday, hugs!

roentare said...

The hair the woman wears seems to be so puffy and foamy. It is really addictive to look at

Tom said...

...I'd love to have a nice head of hair like the first fellow. Stay creative Genne and have a wonderful weekend.

My name is Erika. said...

These are all great Gene. I think you've had fun playing. :) Happy weekend to you.

Granny Annie said...

Your digital work is amazing.

Jeanna said...

This week's creations are amazing, as usual. The underwater scene is my favorite. THe bubbles really make it. I like the way each one picks up color of an element close by.

Christine said...

Awesome digital art! So glad about the charger, modern day problems right? Very stressful.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those bubbles are indeed awesome!

carol l mckenna said...

Excellent digital art ~ favorite is the fish one ~ thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Eclecticity said...

I like the cheerful, bright colours, especially in the last one.

NatureFootstep said...

Those faces are great, especially the male. :)

Divers and Sundry said...

Chargers can be frustrating, can't they.

I like that guy's hair!