I have been blessed to have quilts made by my grandmother that I use and enjoy. Sadly, she made them all for a full-size bed and my bed is a queen-sized bed. While I love and enjoy using them, they are just a bit small. Plus they are beginning to show wear and need to be taken from constant service and placed in semi-retirement.
So, I have been working on a quilt for myself, hence the title of this post.
Several posts back, I posted the exported picture from EQ where I planned this quilt. Since then, I have been working on it in odd moments. A few minor changes have been made "on the fly." ((that means I pieced it together differently than planned and decided I liked it and didn't want to "un-sew" it))
Last evening and tonite, I made great progress. The quilt top is in three large pieces that I will put together within the next week. For now, the pieces were kindly modeled by my bed. You see, I don't have a design wall so I have to use whatever spot works. I laid the pieces in formation on the bed and took several pictures. None of them came out great, but a couple did okay. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.

I did notice that I will need a top and bottom border. I am undecided if it will surround the sides also. Likewise, I am not sure what it will be. Ooooh, I feel a "fabric audition" in the near future.
Okay, I hope you didn't just skip my post for this - If you did, go back and read it BEFORE you click the link. (please?) The giveaway alert: Chris at WeLoveQuilting is having a new giveaway. She has a nice prize package posted. So go to here blog post
here or to
the We Love Quilting blog and see the February Giveaway. It closes on Valentine's Day.
Also, if you didn't enter my giveaway, there is still time. My giveaway closes on the 25th. Be sure you comment on
post 125, that is where you will find the requirements AND the only place you can comment to actually enter the giveaway.