I sewed some more woven fabric into another vest,
and made a small fabric box to put some of my sewing goodies in.
In July I started the call for quilt donations for the Quilt Angels project.
We also planted a deck garden with tomatoes and squash.
I was very blessed to be able to attend the classes after the International Saori Conference in Peachtree City Georgia.
Then I got the "crud" and had to rest.............so I played on Electric Quilt.
Suddenly August began. I went to a Kai (a sort of weaving bee) and wove some fabric.
I also started another UFO quilt.
and used some of the woven fabric to make the Nana a top.
September saw more weaving
and some fun with sewing circles.
And yet more Chemo caps
October brought more weaving and some yarn spinning.
the Patsy Thompson Blog hop,
and sewing more of my woven fabric.
In November I made two quilts. One was an art quilt, the other a baby quilt.
I also made soap
December brought time for more creativity as well.
There was more yarn spinning.
And we delivered the Quilt Angel project quilts.
I got sick with some type of respiratory virus so I had two rather unproductive weeks... But I managed to be well enough to sing in the church choir for our Christmas Eve midnight service.
Wow... My year was more wonderful than I had remembered. Take time to look back and count your blessings. And yes, resolve in the coming year to be a blessing to those that encounter you. Love and inspire people. I promise that you will get more than you give.
'til 2015 - peace to you my friends!
My blog is http://blog.geneblack.com