The fun faces that I make and quilt are not terribly hard to do, although they take a lot of time. A Left Handed Quilter asked why I don't show the process. I jokingly said "I can't give away all my secrets." Of course the fact is that once I get "in the zone" - I forget photos. HOWEVER, today I made a "plan" and decided to post the basic process. This is fusible applique.
I start with hand-dyed fabrics -or- batiks. Both are great for fusible applique. The reason is that there they are generally a higher thread count (less fraying) and the color goes all the way through the fabric. Thus there is never a "white outline" from the base fabric as there is often with a print.
I start by fusing some fabrics. Okay, to be honest I have a bin of pre-fused fabric ready to play. But for this tutorial, I grabbed some pretty hand dyed fabrics and fused them. (You can never have too many "crayons" in the box, can you?)
I am not showing the fusing process as it is different for various brands of fusible. Today, I used MistyFuse, but I also have Wonder-Under and Steam-a-Seam 2. The MistyFuse is thinnest and thus easier to quilt through. You can layer the Wonder-Under almost as well, but the Steam-A-Seam is a bit thicker and more than two layers is difficult to quilt through. I never know how many layers I will have for these.
So I fused these fabrics:
When the MistyFuse is properly attached it gets a nice shine as you can see in the picture below.
You can actually see the web of glue in this photo. But I assure you it is just the shine.
This is well fused in place.
I also have this bin of pre-fused fabrics
You will notice that there are some odd pieces cut out and some small pieces that
many people would have discarded. But continue on and see why I keep them.
As a work place, I use a silicone sheet - I think this one was sold as an oven liner.
There are many on the market. The MistyFuse Goddess sheet leaves a nice wavy
design in the fusible on the back of the fabric. Yes, I would like one of those, but,
I already have this one, so I spend the money on other supplies.
Also in the photo is a piece of silicone release paper from the back of some wonder-under.
That is an acceptable surface also. And you see my Clover mini-iron, which is handy for
this when I am not working at the ironing board. And yes, sometimes I do this at the
ironing board also.
Now comes the fun part: Cutting the pieces. For this one I am doing an "alien head."
So I decided to cut the shape using my Tri-Recs ruler but stretching it out by moving the ruler
after the first edge was cut. (Hint - think outside the box and make the most of your tools!)
I layered two fabrics because I like the two color faces.
There was an overlap so that I could trim a curved edge.
I trimmed off some of the brown -which will be on bottom- to have less layered.
Then I cut the curvy line on the edge of the blue.
Next I lightly fused these together. This is a temporary heat fuse. You only press the iron until
the glue melts enough to hold it in place.
I have two pair of scissors that I use for cutting the features. One is from
Famoré Cutlery,
the other are Karen K. Buckley 4" perfect shears. I prefer the Famore ones for general use.
I also keep some pre-fused white (ish) batik for eyes. The trick is to fold the piece of
pre-fused fabric right sides together and cut both eyes at once if you want them to match.
Here are those eyes placed on the face.
For a human face you would place the eyes roughly halfway
down the face, for an alien, you have more options.
I want you to see that the eyes are only tacked in place, so I could pull them up and move
them if I wanted to do so. This allows for creative options
Next the nose is added. Notice the small scrap of light blue fabric.
Had I thrown that small scrap in the garbage, I would have
needed to cut into an extra piece of fabric. As it is,
I have the larger piece of this saved for another project!
In this one I have added a mouth with the tongue sticking out, just for fun.
The mouth was also cut from some very small scraps that I had kept.
I will add "hair" and a neck and some other features before he is finished.
Do you think you could do this? I think you could.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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