This one above started with a half square triangle unit. Then I pieced around it like a log cabin - except that some of the "logs" are pieced. Often those small pieces were cut from the end of another strip. Those can be sewn together to make a new strip.
Next up- these two books were part of my inspiration.
There is also this block:
There is some slashed piecing in there as well as an orphan piece that was made
as an experiment.
Then this one
Two more orphan pieces and another half square triangle. And of course a lot
of scrap pieces sewn on randomly.
Finally this little quarter log cabin - very inspired by the Gwen Marston book.
I followed some advice and just grabbed strips to sew on it at random - as long as there was some contrast to keep it visually appealing.
How will all of these be used? For what?
Figuring that out has not been fun yet.
I will keep sewing or do something else until the idea says
"Hey why don't you......."
"Hey why don't you......."
And then it will be fun.
I worked long enough to retire so that I could start doing things that are fun.
There are still things I have to do,
but I get to do more things I want to do.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative