Okay, so I have been slacking off on blogging.....yes I know "Bad ME." Ah well, I have been trying to be a good person anyway. I did drive my uncle to the hospital when he had to be there at 6 a.m. (too early for my guardian angel to be awake.) Then I went back to carry him home also...and I stayed in WalMart two hours waiting for his prescription - because his MD always forgets to tell them the OTHER med that will interact has been stopped until this is over.
So, I have been doing self therapy with paint and fabric. First up, I painted a nice chunk of fabric (actually two at once, one on top of the other.) And I LOVE this -
Yes, slightly crazy but so HAPPY to look at. The bottom one in the photo was
the fabric on top while painting - it is more intense in color.
They are separate pieces that I can cut up for making whatever fabric art I want to make! Of course I am thinking "faces." You know I don't stick to "normal" colors.
Ha ha!
Another "therapy session" involved pulling a pile of random scraps
What mess huh? |
Those were in this big jar where I keep odd scraps of batik and hand dyed fabrics.
The jar has a nice spout - that leaks! So I repurposed it.
But the fabric doesn't leak out like water or other beverages do.
Of course I had to iron these scraps to make them flat.
Then I took a piece of Steam-a-Seam and put it on a piece of felt.
Those strange pieces were cut and placed on the sticky Steam-a-Seam
with just slight overlaps so that all the felt was covered.
At this point I can still pull off any piece and move it or replace it.
But I was happy with this one and decided to take it to the ironing surface
to steam it into place. Then I added a backing fabric, which I glue basted on
with Elmer's school glue. (it is a small piece and the back probably won't be seen.)
Next up I sewed around all the pieces to fasten down the loose edges where it overlaps.
Oops, I did a teeny bit of free motion in that one corner.
I think I liked this better than when I quilted it.
Do you see a picture? It was only planned as a non-representational abstract
But once it was tacked down and turned this way and that,
we saw an image.
So, quilt it, I did.
If you haven't guessed yet - don't look at the next photo
Do you see it now?
It is a wide vase full of flowers and leaves.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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