The quilt I am making uses a lot of HSTs (half-square triangles.) There are lots of ways of making these units. When I started on this quilt, I used a paper foundation called Thangles as I had some in my stash that were the right size.
But this time, I decided to use a ruler and cut them before sewing them. I have
The Left-Eze ruler designed by "
A Left-Handed Quilter." - I am not left-handed, but I tested the ruler as a "right handed tester." So you will see some special stickers on my ruler as an Honorary Leftie.
What I did was take the two 2 1/2" strips and layer them and iron them together. There is nothing to hold them, but I find that it helps me to keep them neatly stacked during cutting. Then I put them on the cutting board and use the handy Left-Eze ruler to cut them. They come out layered and ready to sew.
I confess that sometimes I do cut with my left hand. I am somewhat ambidextrous - but it is limited.
Once they are sewn there is only one "dog-ear" to cut off. I cut them before I press the unit open.
Once they are pressed open they are ready to go into the pieced blocks that look like this:
I find doing the HST units this way to be as easy and maybe a bit faster than using some other methods.
I have a few more pieced blocks to make before I finish constructing the sections of the quilt. As you may know I am quilting this one in sections and joining them to make a nice big quilt for my bed. But I am taking it slowly and enjoying the process.
I think I have joined the "slow quilting" movement - at least for a while. Oh yes, I have also started another warm fuzzy piece on the loom that I plan to use to make a "house jacket" that I can wear on cold days to avoid turning up the heat.
Thanks for stopping by.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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