Since I have so many hobbies, projects, ideas, etc., I am trying to do a little of all of them. When one skill lies fallow, our proficiency starts to fade. Sadly, since we are no longer doing our self-taught live Spanish class, I see regression in my Spanish skills. (the common phrase "use it or lose it" comes to mind.
I pulled out some lovely Island Batik precut strips and some Thangles to play with. I found the Thangles in a drawer while I was looking for an art supply. How did they get there???
Those fabric colors are so rich and happy. I can use some extra happy. For the Thangles, you need the strips to be 1/2" wider than the size of the triangles. For the 2" triangles, the 2 1/2" strips are perfect. And with batiks there is no wrong side of the fabric.
I set up and started sewing the first strip. Hmmm...this will be "start/stop" continuously. I don't like that. Quickly setting up three more sets, I started chain piecing them.
That is a much more efficient way of doing this. Once I had several sets sewn, I started cutting them apart. For this, I am using my scissors. If the units were bigger I would use the rotary cutter for the horizontal lines, but I can manage a straight two and a half inch cut. But, you can always use your scissors for the seam line. The seam doesn't have to be exact because the unit takes care of that.
FYI, now is the time to cut off the one dog-ear from each unit.
The other is already gone thanks to the way these work up.
But, speaking of seams, here is a lesson I learned. When you are setting up the strips to sew, put the lighter fabric against the paper. Once you iron the seam open, it is much easier then to tear off the paper without disturbing the nice flat pressing you did.
As you can see, where the paper is against the light color and pressed to the dark, all of the paper is exposed. When the paper is against the dark fabric, the "tear line" is hiding in the seam.
Now for the painting for today. My friend at A Left-Handed Quilter, posted
her method for doing the "easy water color flowers" with watercolor pencils. I had to try it.
I suppose I should tell you that I used watercolor paint for the centers. It was just easier that way. But I love the way these came out. For the "gold dots" I used a gold sharpie that I found while looking for a white pen. I found two white pens - completely dried out. So the white is gouache paint (a type of watercolor that is not transparent.)
And I signed this with paint on a very small - size 0 - sable brush that I already had from years ago.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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