Early on some of us played "Heads Up!" since my niece had it on her iPhone. That was a lot of fun. We did several categories. If you haven't seen this game ask around to folks you know that have an iPhone or an iPod Touch. You can laugh a LOT.
The food was delicious. I contributed a corn casserole and a custard pie. There was a LOT of food there. Almost everyone brought something. I ate a lot! It was mmmm mmmm good.
Black Friday was a day of rest and relaxation for me. I do NOT participate in the crazy shopping. I just don't want to be in that kind of crowd.
Today I decided to use some fabrics that I won on a blog (A Legacy of Stitches). I actually won some poinsettia fabric AND she shared part of a departed friend's stash. I am having a great time with these fabrics. I am adding in some of my stash as needed, but these two blocks came from that stash.
I used a stack and cut method for making these. It is really easy. I didn't worry about corners matching either. It was just fun- cut and sew.
I also realized that I never showed you the scarf I wove during my recent sale. So here is the finished product.
I think it is prettier in person. It is a nice long length - about 7 feet - and has a twisted fringe. As I was weaving this at the show several people showed interest. One of them took a card (apparently) and sent me a message. She is interested in a class on weaving. This tells me that my thoughts of teaching weaving when I retire is a good idea. I will probably also teach some quilting classes as I have had one shop owner ask if I teach quilting.
Right now, I am going back to make more stack and cut blocks. I hope you have a great weekend. d