These two blocks are each 12 1/2" square. I used many of the same scrap fabrics in each one. This will make them work well together in a quilt. Although if you use enough different fabrics in a scrap quilt nothing really has to match. It is important to watch values. Some of my values in this are a bit too close. Let me show you what happened when I removed the colors and left only values.
In the left hand block, the gold/yellow at the bottom is the same value as the red that attaches at the upper edge. In the right hand block at the bottom, the royal blue and the green are almost the same value also. Luckily the blue is mottled and you can see a slight variation. If I had taken pictures of my scraps to check values (or used a value viewer - which would probably be easier) then I would have used more darks and lights to break up the values.
So what does this mean for you? A strong contrast in color values can make your quilts really POP and catch the eye of the viewer. This is very important if you are entering a quilt show. The judges will be seeing lots of quilts and the ones that make an impact generally win.
After saying all that, I still love the blocks as they are.

From someone who could care less what the judges say or think...I love your blocks and keep on a sewin'.
I liked your fabric colors/selections in spite of what the black and white photo is showing! Obviously, you need ME for a judge of value! LOL
The blocks really do work well together. It's funny that my friend and I were talking yesterday about using the camera to check values. It is fun to do, whether it changes the way we do things or not. :)
Do you have a plan for a quilt top from these blocks, Gene? I have been making blocks like this and have not figured out a way to use them in a quilt top.
Gene, I saw these blocks in a thumb nail photo before I even saw the name of the blog I knew they were your blocks. I guess you have a certain style that I'm able to recognize! i like the little lesson in values.
I love the scrappy look....
oh my, those really pop no matter what value shows. ;)
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