Guess who I listened to for my advice? Yep, Abby had the final say. So the winding on started. It wasn't long until I realized that some of the black threads/yarns that I had chosen were not the best choices for warp threads. One of them has a pretty slub that looks great woven. But the reed in use is a 5 dent per centimeter reed. (that means narrow slots that the yarn passes through!) The slubs kept catching on the reed. Another black thread was a bit stretchy and not as strong as I thought. Oops, at least two of those broke as the winding went along.
**note: For a traditional weaver, a broken warp thread is a problem. Some would have even scrapped this warp. For a Saori/Freestyle weaver, this is a design change and something that we can live with. I can always add a supplemental thread if desired - or just leave the space and add to the design that way.
The stretchy yarn and the slub yarn wanted to tangle. This made the winding on take a bit longer than usual. But it went on anyway. At about an hour past my bedtime, it was on and I was able to go to bed. Say what? I could have left it and finished in the morning? If that is what you think, you have never visited my world. Sleep would have been fitful.
Here it is on the loom in all its glory.
If you look closely at the bottom you may see one or two of the broken threads wound around the warp beam. When the wind off enough, I will add them back into the warp. No problem!
Since this will be traveling soon, I wanted to weave enough to cover the tying rod on the cloth beam. Here is the beginning of the fabric.
The fun part of this will be weaving in the colors that are in the warp and watching the color play across the bands of black and color. I may follow the warp design for a while OR I may just go wild playing with it. As you can see there is already a bit of play with the traveling inlay in aqua and purple.
Wish me luck - it will be tempting to weave on this before the get-together. I hope Abby understands......
(In case you are wondering, I was in bed before midnight.)