This lady is relatively new to us. We have seen the male version but Ms. Woody is new here. We think they are Downy Woodpeckers.

Now here are two little cuties feeding with no care that the other is there. Ms Cardinal is skittish so this is the best pic I can get of her. The other is some type of sparrow I suppose

And just so you don't think I have been totally lazy here are some fabric yo-yos that I have been making. They will eventually be sewn together into a nice "quilt," or as some perfer to call it, a coverlet. Even though there will be no batting or backing, just the yo-yos sewn together, I call it a quilt. Those things are surprisingly warm.
And How is your weekend going?

I'll be anxious to see your yo-yo quilt. A friend just gave me a bunch of them already done and I plan to make a quilt too.....
I can't wait to see that yo-yo quilt. I have a box of completed ones from my husband's aunt that I need to do something with them.
Great pics of the local visitors.
I saw the yo-yo's quilting nana was given. She has thousands of them....no kidding!! She says a bunch, but there are thousands of them...I'm sure of it.
Love the bird pics!
Okay, I am officially jealous. LOL..I am making yo-yos every time I can. Maybe she should send me a few hundred or so.
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