My Arrowheads and Old Italian block quilt has been languishing in the pile since I last worked on it June or July of 2017. But the quilt was started (gasp!) in 2015. Gracious me, how did I let it go that long? I suppose I was off chasing different "
Today, Saturday February 3, I pulled out the five pieces of it and started joining it together. It is now in two big pieces. Here they are laid across my bed.
I took the picture from two angles hoping that you could see most of the quilt.
I was really happy to see that it will fit my bed nicely when it is finished. I have only to cut the two LONG joining strips and get it joined into one piece. Then I can bind it and have finish #2 for this year. However, I am taking the rest of today and possibly all of tomorrow off - so it will be next week before I get it joined etc.
This past week I did my volunteer ushering job again. Our guest entertainer was billed as "The Illusionists present Adam Trent." Adam Trent is an illusionist or a magician who has a rather elaborate stage show. He was kind enough to sign autographs and take photos with the crowd after the show. Of course, I jumped right in with the children of all ages and got my photo made too.
This is a cellphone photo and the lights didn't play well with the lens -so the picture is a bit blurry.
Things on the calendar for this week include of course finishing this quilt; rehearsing with community theater for our upcoming performance of Arsenic and Old Lace; a doctor's office visit; and the usual chores and exercise classes.
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