I love to think of myself as a creative person. I feel that I do have a creative soul. For me creating is a "need" more than a hobby. I have a need to make things whether it is useful, or just because I can. My need to create started when I was young - I think in the pre-adolescent years. Certainly in my teen years I always wanted to make things. This has continued in my my current "senior/elder" years.
Over the years I have used my skills to make things for myself as well as for many other folks.
So, today you are going to see some photos of me. I will either be near or wearing one of my creations in each of these photos.
A T-shirt embellished with a band of fabric that I wove on my loom. |
Holding a lap quilt that lives with one of my dearest friends. I love seeing it when I visit.
A vest made totally from material that I wove on my loom.
Here I am wearing a shirt that I embellished with more of my woven fabrics.
I am standing in front to two pieces of art that I painted.
And how about "creating a character" in a local play?
By the way, I did NOT drink the elderberry wine.
And in the play I had to use a product to make my hair that white. Ha ha. Now that is the usual color.
For this same play, we needed a "stained glass window" for the door. So, I created this one.
It is actually painted and created on a piece of plexiglass. I made two of these, one for each side of the door so that when the door was opened, the audience saw the "same" stained glass.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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