Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Tonight I have been a jewelry making fool. The Pedaling Art Show has me listed on the website and in addition to my paintings they listed my jewelry. Ha. Inventory was low- too low for a show that draws a mega crowd.

So I spent a few hours taking my one of a kind polymer clay designed beads and pendants and did a stringing event. My eyes are pretty crossed right now. Some of those findings are tiny. But the finished products look oh so good. The ones that required glue are still drying. There is much more to do tomorrow night, but for now I need to rest. I doubt that I will bet any pictures posted this week. And if I am fortunate, there will be little left to take photos of after the show. This is going to be a busy, busy week for me.
Peace ya'll

1 comment:

~jolene said...

JMF...now that I will remember! LOL!
I checked out the website for The Pedaling Art Show - sounds like such a fun weekend and it really draws a crowd from the photos I saw! I wanna go! (stomping my feet!). :)

You KNOW I am always rooting for you Gene - I LOVE your art ....and I think you are one of the greatest guys in the universe!

Keep us posted!