Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Video blog #1

This is a new idea for me. I "borrowed" the idea from another blog elsewhere.

Take a tour of my home and work area. See art in progress. Make witty comments.

This is my first video blog attempt. Hopefully I will be more organized for my next video blog. However, this is the way my work area normally looks. A creative organized mess.

The "not a painting" is a canvas that I put leftover paint on and later it will become a painting. I will not be facing a blank canvas. It can be great fun and a good challenge to paint on one of these.


~jolene said...

I can't wait for the second episode!

Thank you for inviting us inside your studio Gene :-)

Tammy said...

Gene - this is SOCOOL! :) I loved hearing your voice and seeing your space!! I also love the idea of the "not a painting" canvas!! Very fun!

Char said...

I think that's upside-down? Hahhahah that made me laugh.

It was great to see your work space Gene-and hear your accent again. :)

nicci said...

hee hee.

you crack me up in this vlog.

nice to see you again. it's been a while.


(anongrrl from nness)

i'm a livejournal user, but i've had a blog for a couple years over here on blogger.

i just started using it as an art publishing space. whee! networking. xox