Tuesday, March 29, 2016

And yet one more!

Yes, I have managed to finish another lesson in Christina's class, The Essentials of Free Motion Quilting, on Craftsy.  I love learning on this platform.   You see, I did this section late at night on my own schedule.  And if I need to go back and watch a section - or the entire class - again, I can do that for as long as I am able.   Once you purchase a class, you get lifetime access.

So, in this class we did curves and flowers and radiant designs.  I love the flowers.
Rather than use thread that blends, I am (mostly) using contrasting thread so I can really see what I have done.  But, I left the yellow thread throughout this piece so on the yellow fabric it does disappear.
Part 4 of the set for these lessons 
There are four flowers/radiant designs in the yellow part of the middle block. If you click on it, you may be able to make them out.  I really love the texture that the "S" curves make.  Check it out on the left block in the yellow section.

When I finish this, I think  I will be ready to tackle an entire quilt -when I  have time.  I really thought that retirement would be all "Oh I want to do this today, so that is what I am doing."  Ha!  Suddenly, I have a million things to do.

Have a great week.  I will try to post again at least once this week.
Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Quilted! Part 3

I watched another lesson in the Craftsy class -The Essentials of Free Motion Quilting. And I did the practice on my pieced blocks that will become a quilt.
Not a lot of time to write today.  I have to run for an appointment.  Here are the photos

I am loving this class.  I did feathers in corners, in a square and around a corner.   I can use more practice on them, but I can do them!  
You can too - Just go to Craftsy and take this class- The Essentials of Free Motion Quilting by Christina Cameli.  

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

If it is Fabric it is Fair Game

Let's talk quiltmaking. 

 Are there fabrics you wouldn't consider for quilt piecing?  
Do you insist on 100% cotton in a quilting weight?

Now think about why you feel this way.  The history of quilting is very fascinating.  I only know some of it, but I do know that many quilts were made with whatever was available.  My maternal grandmother used old clothes, tired out curtains, or anything that she could sew.  She did it all by hand - cutting, piecing and quilting.  Seriously, many of her quilts could be placed in a Gee's Bend exhibit with only very few viewers any the wiser.
Another bit of history is the "crazy quilt."  In the early 1900s women of affluence started making crazy quilts with satin, silk and velvet among other fabrics. But soon, the less affluent adopted the style when they started using pieces of cast off clothing and mill end pieces of fine fabrics that would otherwise be wasted. 

Because of those traditions, I allow myself to play with fabrics that are "non-traditional" for quilting.  At some time in the past, I was given a bunch of upholstery sample pieces.   These were out of date and no longer needed. The friend who shared them with me was told "Take these to the dumpster - we need them out of the shop."  Somehow, on the way to the dumpster, they fell into her car trunk. (oops!)   
I decided to have a play day with them. Parts of a  friend's cast off khaki pants are also used in this piece:
I also have some other pieced units that are not yet square.  I love the fussy cut flower on the left side. I may add another section to put on the left and let this be a wall hanging.  There are a few other pieces that have great motifs for fussy cutting.  I think playing with these will be an ongoing project. What would you use this piece for?  Let your imagination roam free and share your ideas. 

And a final question: what is the most interesting fabric you have used in piecing?  

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Friday, March 25, 2016

I am A-Mused

Do you think that you have a muse?  Is there sometimes a creative urge that you just have to chase?  I think I have a muse since I am sometimes suddenly "struck" with an idea that I just have to follow through.
Yesterday was one such incident.  In my house there are books.  You would not be surprised that many of them are sewing or quilting or weaving books.   I also love a good mystery or a fantastical tale.  Currently I am almost finished with one fantasical (and irreverent)  tale of fine art and a muse.  But I digress!  The quilting, sewing, weaving books have a home - but I frequently take a few off the shelf and lay them where I can pick them up in spare minutes.  One that is handy this week has been "15 Minutes of Play" by Victoria Findlay Wolfe.   In it, she talks about 'made fabric" or fabric made from small pieces sewn together.  This is a concept I have played with for a while.  Sometimes I have cut up two perfectly nice pieces of fabric and sewn them back together.  Such was the case when I took a class with the Gee's Bend quilters.  I made this piece of fabric:
The classmate sitting next to me, Julie, dubbed it "Pickles and Peanut Butter."  She said they just don't go together!  Now mind you, this piece has been "maturing" in my stash since spring of 2013. I think it has aged like a fine wine.

So today in Gene's Bake Shop, the menu was -yep - Pickles and Peanut Butter.   I took the pieced fabric and cut two Squares out of it.  Then I pieced together another "almost" square.  Laying it out on a black background to really pop the colors and adding some slash-pieced borders, I got this:
I like it a lot.  For the time being the working title is "Pickles and Peanut Butter: A light in the dark" 
Alternate name suggestions will be appreciated.  If this finishes well (quilting, binding  and mounting) I plan to add it to my gallery show in July. 
Now, a question: Should this be a properly mounted wall art hanging? OR Should this be a table mat?  The size is roughly 19 by 25 inches. 

Now here is something cool!  Did you know that today, Craftsy's "ALL Classes $19.99" sale begins? 
Yes, that is right!  Any class that strikes your fancy can be had for only $19.99 - So if you have been wanting to take a class, but the price was above your limit, this could be your lucky day.  And remember, you can watch anytime you have an internet connection (or if you have an iPad you can even download classes for a road trip!) And The class is yours forever. 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


I know that many of you are wondering who won the Star Membership to The Quilt Show.   Since i used Rafflecopter, I have let it post the winners in the widget.

A big congrats to Tango,  Michele, Lynda and Linda.

Another Linda - who is a no-reply blogger said on my last post:
 Love all the scrappy colors. Maybe all those orphan charm squares WILL find a home. 

Those easy 4-patches are a great use for leftover or  orphan charm squares! Thanks for sharing the idea.

Since I don't have a new "quilty" photo to show today, I will show you the warp that I put on my loom.
Warp prepared and waiting to be put on the loom.

This is my loom, from the back with the warp put on it. The beam at the bottom is where the warp feeds from when I am weaving fabric.

And this is the very beginning of the woven fabric. Some of the warp that looks "white" is actually a lovely metallic silver yarn.  I am thinking that this will make an elegant garment when it is completed.

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Quilting Weekend Fun

As this past weekend was International Quilting Weekend, I decided to have some fun playing with pre-cuts. It started with watching a tutorial on The Quilt Show for "how to make quick 4 patches from charm squares."  I made a lot of 4-patches.  I also learned that sometimes those precuts aren't as accurate as cutting them myself.  Oops!  So everything I sewed wasn't perfect.  But who cares?  It was still fun.

I made this cute little quilt top that will probably be enlarged later.
I call it "Charming Little Four Patches" because every part of it started as a four patch made from charm squares.  I decided to add the three disappearing four patch blocks in for variety and just because I could.  I love the scrap happy look of it.

My giveaway for a one year Star Membership to The Quilt Show is still running.  I think it ends at midnight tonight,  if I set the time correctly.  And I will post winners the following day.  You can find that at the post Day Two International Quilting Weekend(Giveaways!)
So if you haven't entered - go put your name in the hat.  You just need to use the rafflecopter thingy and comment as requested to be entered.

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day Three IQW (Giveaway Alert)

 Have you been piecing a quilt top or maybe quilting a quilt of International Quilting weekend?   Since The Quilt Show has all the shows open for the weekend, you can check out the tutorial on the current show 1806 - Quilt Teams: Spouses & Sisters.  Toward the end of the show, Mary Jacobson of Me and My Sister designs shows how to use charm squares to make quick and easy four patches.  I love this simple method.  I grabbed a few charm squares and started playing.

In very little time,  I had made 16 four patches that I put on my design board for the photo. (I did it quickly so they look wonky due to the layout. The came out great and best of all my points match on each four patch. 

In yesterday's post  I linked to the giveaway on The Quilt Show site.  I also posted a rafflecopter contest for a free One Year Star Membership to The Quilt Show.   I would love to see lots of entries for my contest, so please go and enter -and then share it with a friend. 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Day Two International Quilting Weekend(Giveaways!)

Yesterday was a busy day for me - and I didn't get any quilting done. Today I hope to get some piecing done or maybe a bit of free motion quilting practice.

I wanted to share with you a couple of the other prizes from The Quilt Show for this weekend.
Quilters Select cutting mats are a great prize.  I suppose you know that you eventually need to replace your mats.  While they are self-healing, that doesn't last forever. tiny bits get stuck in them and can cause your rotary blade to skip.  So, I  would love to win these mats!

And how about rulers?  I was surprised when I found out that rulers wear also. The blade of your cutter can nick the edge and cause crooked cuts. But also the edge wears down and your cut gradually becomes inaccurate. So, yes, I think new rulers are a great prize also.  These are also from Quilters Select.

So be sure to go to the entry form, and enter to win some of the great prizes from the wonderful sponsors of The Quilt Show.

And one more prize from The Quilt Show - How about a one year Star Membership to  The Quilt Show? Use the Rafflecopter widget to enter.

Here are a couple of fun possibilities for celebrating International Quilting weekend also.  Did you know that Craftsy has free mini-classes? Well they do!  One I have taken is Creative Quilt Backs with Elizabeth Hartman.  I love a reversible quilt, so a pieced back is a great way to make your qult reversible - and use some scraps - and not have to buy wide backing fabric.
And if you want to make a quilt front,  you could take the  Craftsy 2016 Block of the Month class with Lynette Jensen,

Have a happy Quilting Weekend.

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Friday, March 18, 2016

International Quilting Weekend Starts Today!

 The Quilt Show is promoting International Quilting Weekend which runs from March 18 to March 20 this year.   There are lots of prizes that you can win.   Plus, every episode of "The Quilt Show" will be open for the weekend. That is THREE days (or 72 hours) that you can watch shows and learn new techniques.

 Some of the prizes that really look appealing (besides the Bernina 570QE) are below.
Glorious COLOR -a Fat Quarter box of Patrick Lose Fabrics. 

The Go! Qube 12" block dies for those with a Go! Cutter. 
Or how about this: 
One yard cuts of every Ricky Tims Hand-Dyed Fabric. 
The great thing is that everyone can take advantage of the free shows - So we are all winners.  AND Someone  ((((it could be you)))) will win these prizes.

So the question is,  which to do?  Quilt or Watch the free shows?  Here is an idea- search the shows and find a  teacher you want to see.  Watch the show and then go try what you learned.

And if you missed my post yesterday,  it is here.

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Another Section Quilted

First of all, 
After a week of busy/crazy,  there was finally time to sit and watch another lesson in the Craftsy class -The Essentials of Free Motion Quilting.  What I realized is that too many days away from practicing has caused me to slide backwards a step.  But at least it was two steps forward and one step back -so there was still progress.
This lesson was on spirals and sharp points.  It seems I did okay - it is certainly usable as part of a quilt and that  is what matters -along with a bit of practice and progress.  So without further prattle from me, here is the finished section.
You can click on the photo to enlarge it - but please don't be too critical. (((grin))) I have decided that I am happy with it.

As for the reason for a busy/crazy week,  I have been finalizing the costumes for the play that I am helping with. (I got all my costume sewing completed!) And I also had to do some "middle-aged man" things - also known as medical tests.   These co-pays on insurance are really taking up all of my disposable income.   I am just happy that I have insurance!    I have also had to take Mother for medical appointments since she is no longer able to drive safely.

Life goes on - and it is good.  I have a special post scheduled for tomorrow-  March 18th.  Please come back for it. It should post at midnight tonight. (I am in the Central time zone.)

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Monday, March 14, 2016

3.14 Happy Pi Day

In honor of National Pi Day,  everyone should have pie!

This is a photo of a pie that I made.  Hmm, looks like I could have done better on the crust.  Maybe I should take a class.

Craftsy is offering a 50% off special on all Pie related Classes to celebrate Pi Day. The photo below shows a few of the options.  Pie doesn't have to be sweet - it can even be gluten free!
So, for National Pi day, shouldn't you be making pie?  Cooking is a  skill that anyone can learn.

Oh my, I had to edit this post to add this:  Connecting Threads is having a one-day sale on all open stock fabric yardage. It is 30-40 percent off today,  March 14, 2016 only
Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Relaxing Project

I am taking a bit of a break from sewing this weekend (except some pants that I had to sew a belt loop onto. )  So I needed a relaxing project - to keep from feeling non-productive.

Having not used the rigid heddle loom for a bit, I decided to put a warp on it and make a scarf. Now that I am proficient at warping my floor loom, this seems much easier to do.
I used three yarns for the warp.  For the "background" color I used a gray.  Then I added small sections of a variegated teal/aqua that has shiny silver threads running through it.  And there is a similar red/burgundy with the same silver in it.
The yarn I am weaving in it is a homespun type commercial yarn that is variegated also.  It is sort of a cream with shades of lavender and green mingled it.  The colors are very subtle and almost disappear in this scarf.  However, they add a very nice shading to the fabric of the scarf.
I love the sparkle of silver in the red and aqua stripes.

If you are curious to learn how to weave on a rigid heddle loom, you can learn it in the Craftsy Class - Rigid Heddle Weaving.
Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Check In

Just so none of you get concerned that I have "disappeared,"  I am posting an update.
I am working with the local community theater group as a costumer.  The director had ordered a "Snow White" costume that one of the characters wears in the play.  The skirt on it was not the best. Honestly,  the entire thing was put together rather shabbily.   I removed the skirt and replaced it with better fabric and also added to the length to make it appropriate for the actress.  (it was about 3 inches too short.)
The basque waistline was a challenge - and it did not photograph well.  I am hoping it looks much better on the actress.

I am thinking I should take one of these Craftsy classes on garment sewing.

I am also added straps to a strapless beaded gown - but I don't have photos of it at this point.

Have a beautiful day. Find the beauty in the world around you. Look in the mirror and find the beauty that is within you.

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger" - I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.

Monday, March 07, 2016

National Crafts Month

I am sure you know that it is National Craft Month.  Did you know that if you have a Craftsy Account (no purchase necessary) that you can register for a Mystery Craft supply box for yourself and for a friend?   I have an affiliate link for that.   Enter Here - and if you win, I hope you remember that I am your friend.

There are lots of interesting things going on for National Craft Month.  Find a place in your day or week to create something!  

 While reading in "The Soul of Creativity" I found these two quotes -

"If each success requires ten failures, then count each failure as a blessing on the road to success. For our success to mount, so must our failures" Eric Maisel

And then this one - which I have stated a bit differently, but with the same meaning:

"We were created from the Creator of all the universe, so it stands to reason that creativity is as much a part of us as are our bodies, minds, and souls.....People don't stay sad for too long when they're creating because creativity is a happy energy" Echo Bodine

I haven't had my creative time since Saturday, so I have nothing new to show you.  So I will share  a couple of my older paintings.
Abstract:  Forbidden Crossing (acrylic on watercolor paper) 

Glorious Red (watercolor on watercolor paper)

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger" - I can not reply.

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Essentials Quilt - Part One

A few days ago, I made some fun blocks to use for practicing quilting.  I have used sashing between them and at the top of each row of three blocks.   I am layering and backing them as I get ready to quilt each section.  Then the sections will be joined into a quilt.
After a fun day with my brother and his family enjoying a cookout,  I came home and took a nap.  But then I got up and did this:
The first row - part one - is quilted.  I am doing this as a part of the class "The Essentials of Free Motion Quilting"  on Craftsy.
 (Disclaimer - that is an affiliate link, if you click through and purchase I will get a small stipend.)  
 I have to say that I am finding the designs that are supposed to be "easier" to be more difficult for me.  I know that I just need to practice them more and they will become easier for me to control. However, this is going to be either a lap quilt or a bed quilt, so it will be quilted - and "done is better than perfect."   I have four more sections to quilt - each section will be done after completing that lesson.  This should really keep me on track with this quilt.  That said, if I enlarge it to bed size, I will have to either do big borders or make more blocks.  I just have to keep that in mind and not allow it to derail my progress. Ha ha....I don't want this one to become a UFO.
Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger" - I can not reply.

Friday, March 04, 2016

Quilt Doodling.

(Please note that this post is pre-scheduled.  I am about to attempt installing a new cable modem.  It should be easy, but if it fails, I may be without internet for a day or so. I got the modem installed with a minimum of difficulty. )

Late Wednesday night, I had a surge of creative flow and started quilting a "practice" quilt sandwich that I had waiting to work on.   It was going so well that I stayed up past my usual bedtime.  But, finally, I decided to stop before I got too tired and messed up what was going so well.

Thursday afternoon, it was finished.  The quilting is done with green cotton thread from Connecting Threads.  I like this thread as a cotton quilting thread -and I have used quite a bit of  the cream version for piecing and general sewing.   The fabrics are also solids from Connecting Threads.

I am showing both sides  of it for your viewing pleasure.  You can click to enlarge the photos.

As you might guess this is one of my practice pieces inspired by the class Wild Quilting by Christina Cameli.  There is lots of variety in this piece.  I think I finally learned to make a decent "feather."

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger" - I can not reply.