The weather here has been unreasonably cold for Alabama. While some of you that live in more Northerly states may think 14 degrees F. is a normal winter temperature - we think it is unbearable.
To be honest, my feet FREEZE at night even with the thermostat set at 69 degrees F. My blood pressure medicine contributes to this effect, I have been told.
So, I decided to make some bed warmers. There is a brand of these that you can purchase, but for less than half the price of one, I was able to make two. I got two thirty-two ounce (2lb.) bags of rice at the dollar store. Cost $2 USD. I used a t-shirt that I purchased to dye that I was unhappy with the results. Actual cost around $3 USD - not counting the dye.
The purchased ones are filled with buckwheat - so if you have buckwheat on hand you can use it. It is lighter in weight than the rice.
Each of these is around 24 inches long - not counting the handle. I used the sleeve hem from one sleeve to make both carry straps. I just rolled the raw edge onto the hem and stitched it down.
When these are heated for a minute and 30 seconds in the microwave, they stay warm for quite a while in the bed. With one at my feet and one against my back, I am all snuggled in and sleep quite comfortably.
These are also excellent for use as a heating pad. I love to put it around my neck when my neck and/or shoulders are feeling a bit stiff.
True confession: The purple one took twice as long to make as the green one. Why? you may be asking. Trying to be fast, I sewed the outside seams and zigzagged them neatly, then I sewed the center seam that makes the channel. Oops - yes, I forgot to turn it prior to sewing the channel seam. Obviously, I had to spend some time bonding with Jack the Seam Ripper. And of course I had back-stitched at each end for strength and durability.
Ideally these should be heated with about half a cup of water sitting in the microwave with them - this maintains the moisture level of the rice and adds to the life of the bed warmer. Otherwise, after several years the rice starts to break down.

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