The denim and twill quilt is coming right along. Did you forget about this one?
At this point all the rows are sewn together and sewn to the backing. Each row was joined into a long strip then I sewed the rows together onto the backing in a Quilt As You Go manner. You may notice that the points don't match up every time. There are a few lessons I learned making this quilt.
Lessons Learned:
1. Denim is bulky! So seams should be offset or pressed open. Personally I
hate pressing seams open. I pressed these to one side thinking that would allow me to nest seams.
2. Denim stretches a bit. I realized that one reason jeans are so comfy is that the weave structure adds a bit of give along with the added strength it gives. This makes it harder to ease in the extra and make the points match.
3. It is even more difficult to match points when you are also manipulating layers of fabric.
4. It gets heavy fast! this also causes drag to add to the other issues.
Next time: cut a few of the blocks in half and offset the rows.
Here is another photo of it across the bed.
The scattered embroideries make me happy.
I am binding this with the backing fabric to make life easier (I hope.)
You can see the binding that I did after sewing down the first two rows. I am sure that was the easy part. Now I have to do the other three sides while managing the weight of the entire quilt.
Wish me luck!

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