Another week with no time to create a face. My Uncle was in the hospital and then released to hospice care. So, it has just been busy.
Therefore, today I will share (again) some of my older work. These are machine embroidery designs that I digitized (programmed for sewing by an embroidery machine.)
I believe that 2014 was the year of the horse. And I started creating horse embroideries.
This is my horse of a different color.
Isn't he fun?
He ended up as part of a notebook cover:
This one was still in the embroidery hoop - if you look in the upper left corner you can see the hoop.
I am not sure what happened to this "stitch-out"
Here's Looking at you Kid!
This stitched piece still hasn't been used on a project.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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