Friday, February 28, 2025

Fish Face!

Today I have a man coming early to make an estimate on some work that I need done on my house. I am hoping that he can do all the work that I need to have done. His crew did some work for my cousin on my aunt's house and it looks great.  I saw them working so I know they did a good job of it. 

For the Friday Face Off  group,  I am posting a couple of older photos.  First up is a photo of my eyes.  This was taken after I had an upper blepharoplasty to get rid of hanging eyelid skin that was interfering with my vision. 
Here's lookin' at you kid!

Next up is a photo of a painting that I did many years ago. It is done in watercolor. This little painting sold at a street festival.   However, I have notecards with this image printed on them that I also sell. 

 Happy Friday!  And may your weekend be delightful.

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


Tom said...

...Gene, keep creating and I hope that Hard Times Come Again No More!

My name is Erika. said...

Oh those goldfish are gorgeous Gene. And you have lovely blue eyes too. Seeing is everything, isn't it? Especially for visual arts. Have a great last day of the month.

Iris Flavia said...

Blue eyes like the ocean!

Granny Annie said...

love the little fishies.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your watercolour goldfish are stunning!