Monday, March 24, 2025

Quilt Parade SAHRR

Many of you know that I have been participating in a Stay At Home Round Robin.  My quilt is almost completed.  The top is finished, layered and quilted.  The binding is made and attached to the front of the quilt.  I will be sewing the binding to the back by hand this week.  I am excited to be so close to finishing this quilt. 

Here is the completed quilt top. 
 The quilt top is all made of batik fabrics from Island Batik.  The backing is a solid fabric that was in my stash.  For the binding, I had an idea to use a batik that I have, but when I auditioned it I didn't like it with the front OR the backing.  So, back into the stash where I tried several other fabrics that didn't seem to play well with one side or the other.  Then I picked up a piece of Kaffe Fassett fabric that I have been "hanging onto."  It looked perfect.  I quickly cut off enough (there is only about 10" by width of fabric left.)  I cut it into strips and made a binding.  It is sewn onto the front of the quilt ready to be stitched to the back - and yes, I will be doing it by hand!  (a rarity for me.) 
Here you can see it with part of the front:
You may notice that I quilted it with a blue thread that really shows up on the front
of the quilt. I think that it ties the quilt together and adds an'
extra layer of design. And it is just fun!
Here is the binding with the backing:
The blue quilting thread is not as obvious on the backing.  However.  the texture 
will show beautifully once the quilt is washed. 

FYI,  I don't know what time the parade will open so you may see this before her post is live. 

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


roentare said...

Fabric is so superb

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

This is a fantastic finish :)

grammajudyb said...

Great choice for the binding. Perfect!

Jeanna said...

Beautiful quilt, Gene. Well done on your SAHRR.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Very nice! And a perfect choice for the binding. Don't you love it when that happens!

Nann said...

What a lively design! The binding fabric is perfect and there was just enough.

Astrid said...

Love your SAHRR, and the binding is just perfect!

Danice G said...

Your quilt looks very nice and the blue thread looks great.

Jennifer said...

I'm so impressed!

Danette said...

A Wonderful quilt finish!

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Looks great!