My dear friend, Nici, nominated me for this award. Her ArtShaped World blog is always a joy to read. I am fortunate to have some of her Sharpie Scout ATCs in my personal collection.
Now I get the joy of nominating some of my "reads" for an award.
Since I am really into quilting right now I must nominate some fun quilters. First off is Feed Dog. His fun writing style makes everything seem like a grand adventure. And, he is another man that quilts.
Second is Cheri at Jovaliquilts Her fun use of Fabric is an inspiration to me. I always check to see if she has posted anything new.
Third, I nominate John a.k.a Quilt Dad who just recently celebrated his blog post #50 with a lovely giveaway that I didn't win. Keep posting John.
Fourth is the talented Carolyn Roberts at
A Potpourri of Art When you visit her blog be sure to click on the video bar and watch Daisy's Song. It is a funny, happy story of true love. Carolyn is a wonderful dulcimer player.
Fifth, I nominate Maggie Newman aka Blue Sharpie at Blog of the Blue Sharpie an all around artist and good friend.
Sixth is Sally at Feather on a Wire Her quilting amazes me. I wanted to give her an award and now I have a chance to do so. Go Sally, Go Sally!!!
Last but certainly not least talented is Tanaya at The Mad Ones. A friend, a giving soul, an artist. I am glad I know her. And be sure you check out the link to the Friendship of the Fabulous Foodies blogging group if you love good food.
So now each of these bloggers gets the pleasure of selecting favorites blogs of their own to honor!
The rules of accepting are as follows:
1) Put the logo on your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on yours
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.(or email them)
Congrats on the award. I've been a lurker on your blog for a few weeks and like what I see. Can you post more often?
Tanaya, I am so glad to be able to give you an award. Happy! Happy!
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