The title of the post is: A Big Girl Challenge Just for YOU!
How many of you are offended just by the title?
Dare I list some of the ways that is offensive?
1. Big Girl - implying the overweight quilters with no social life.
2. Big Girl - you are all still just girls, not happy successful women. So here is a little project for you.
3. Big GIRL- No men allowed, this is a girls club and you can't play. Sorry Ricky Tims, Luke Haynes, Mark Lipinski, Raymond Houston, Joe Cunningham, Bill Volkening, Kaffe Fassett, Bill Kerr, Thomas Knauer, Scott Hansen, John Q. Adams, Ryan Walsh, John Flynn and Doug Leko. Whew- and I can think of many more....... And that is just the beginning of the list of male quilters. Raymond Houston has a list of more than 120 who have an online presence. Just so you know, I am on that listing. (imagine the number who quilt quietly and don't blog or maintain that online presence.)
So tell me, how many of my wonderful readers like being called Big or Girl ?
I have walked out of quilt shops when treated as if I didn't belong in the shop. I don't give my hard won dollars to companies that denigrate me or my friends or anyone else for that matter. I am very much of the "live and let live" mentality. I don't believe anyone should be limited or excluded.
I posted a comment on the AQS OnPoint blog - it was deleted from moderation and not posted. Here is what I said:
"Thanks for using your words to tell male quilters that they are NOT welcome at AQS. Sexism works both ways you know."
Please forgive my rant. My next post will show a pretty quilt, but today, I had to get this off my chest.