We have had rain all week - Fall started and the rain Fell. So, I have not had decent weather to take good photos of the quilt panels.
I have pieced the six end pieces to enlarge the quilt before I join it all together. I need to layer those with batting and backing and get them quilted. I have digitized a couple more quilting designs that I plan to use. I also took one that I purchased and added a bit to it. You will see those as I quilt them.
I have been working on a puzzle with Mom. My brother purchased this one. I think I would have seen some aspects of it that would have had me saying "I don't think so." But, it was a gift to Mom, so we are working on it.
We have the border and some other sections pieced together. This photos shows the border on my old "painting board" that we have repurposed as a puzzle board. You also see some pieces of mat board that have pieced sections on them.
Let me show you closer views of the pieced sections. First up is the man in black with a tan coat and a fence. The pieces to the left side are a cat in a chair. I try to use the boards as fully as possible.
I need to find the rest of the man's legs so I can join him together.
Next up is the man in the red shirt. He is still missing the left side of his leg, but he his largely finished.
Mom wanted to do all the "words" on the puzzle, so I gladly let her have that part.
I do like to see her have success with sections.
There are a few other boards with pieces that are sorted according to appearance. And there are LOTS of pieces still in the box that we keep rummaging through.
Here is the cover of the box with the photo.
You may notice that blue sign on the right side of the photo....Mom completed that sign also. It is attached to the border. You can see it in the first photo but it is slightly cut off in the photo.
I have a feeling the wisteria above the gate may be one of the more difficult parts.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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