Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Today I want to tell you a few things that I am thankful for.

I am thankful for:

little birds singing outside my windows;
that I have windows and a home; 
those bits of thread that I keep picking up off the carpet, they remind me that I have things like a sewing machine, needles, electricity, fabric and a creative mind to sew;

colors - there are so many shades, tones and hues of color to enrich my life. I am blessed to be able to use them in paint, fabric and other forms. I am blessed to be able to see color. 
food - I have food to eat and can usually be picky enough to eat only foods that I really like.
computers - they allow me another form of creativity. They allow me to write this blog and share videos with wonderful people around the globe. 
coffee - I confess that I don't like to start a single day without a cup of black coffee. I realize it is a luxury not a necessity. I enjoy the warm cup in my hand as well as the intricate flavor of the brew. 
And of course, I am thankful for YOU. Without readers and followers, (and commenters) writing a blog would be less fulfilling. Thank you for reading. 
Those are a few of the things for which I am thankful. 

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

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