Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Stay At Home Round Robin Progress

This week's SAHRR round prompt is brought to us by Anja.  Her prompt is to use Half Square Triangles (HSTs) for the next element in your quilt.  I said "Hooray!"  because that is such a versatile block to add.  And even better as the "rules" are lax in this fun quilt along, I can add them to fill in the sides of Round One.    I am using the HSTs to make an HST Diamond block (there is probably a "real" name for it, but oh well, I will use my naming convention.  
So far, I have made two of the diamonds and added spacers at the ends to make it fit.  I also joined it to the quilt that is finished so far.  Here it is. 

The right side will be repeated on the left although the fabrics may be different. I do plan to stay with the same color scheme.   I am absolutely loving this so far.  Are you sewing with us?  I hope so, it is fun and at the end you will have another quilt top finished - of course you can add more at that point and make it bigger. YOUR Quilt YOUR Choice. 

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


Jeanna said...

Wow! You are fast, Gene. I'm still trying to decide what to do. Your diamond blocks look great in this round. Well done.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Your HST are looking pretty, and they work very well as fillers. I love these lines that direct the eye everywhere!
I'm still calculating how to make mine fit ;)

roentare said...

I am no expert, but I like the whole pattern of tapestry

Danice G said...

Looking very nice, Gene.

Vicki W said...

Oh, I really like where you are heading with this!

Astrid said...

This is so pretty! Love the design and colors. I'm not doing the SAHRR, my goal this year is to finish some of my too many UFOs.

Danette said...

A lovely design! It is fun to design your own quilt top and use your own rules.

Rose said...

I love this!! Wish I were as creative.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Looking great! FYI: technical name is "Hourglass Block" and are made with quarter square triangles usually.

piecefulwendy said...

I'm liking the way the diamonds dance around the quilt. So cool!

Jennifer said...

I forgot to comment on this one. Looking good and looks so fun.