Monday, February 03, 2025

SAHRR Round #3

With Monday came the next round of the SAHRR and I got busy.  Gail told us to add stars to our quilt top.   Pulling out my Accuquilt GO! dies,  I decided on  a four pointed star.  It is similar to the block "Job's Troubles"  but I simplified it a bit since I could do this one with two dies.   
I decided to make the background of each star one color but the points would be two colors alternating.  
The colors I decided on are blues and tans. One of the blues had a spattering of purple in it. One of the tans has white in it.    Here is my result:

I am considering making three more stars for the other end.  But I am also considering that perhaps the next round can take that area.  I can always make the blocks later this week and have them ready "just in case."   Three spare stars could always become a table runner or part of one. They could also be the start of yet another quilt.  
Other considerations for this is that I may applique some purple five pointed stars onto the star blocks. At this point they seem to need a pop of the dark purple that permeates the rest of the quilt. (Of course next week's round could be to add applique. Ha ha.  But that is just a wild guess - I do NOT have inside information (as much as I would love to have it.)  

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


DVArtist said...

Wow! This is just stunning. I'm not a blue person but with the purple, green and neutral colors I love this.

Quilting Gail said...

You are very speedy!!! The stars look fantastic!!!

Danice G said...

Your quilt is looking great. I also love the colors. Yes, a table runner with the three spare stars would be a perfect way to use them.

roentare said...

This is becoming more complicated and sophisticated

Jeanna said...

Love those stars, Gene. All of your blocks are working very well together. (I hope there isn't any applique'...this is challenging enough for me LOL)

Jennifer said...

This is most exciting !

Pamela said...

Very fun!

Kathleen said...

This is looking great! And, I love leaving options open in the SAHRR - it helps us to get more creative and sometimes even switch directions when we don't expect to.

piecefulwendy said...

Cool star idea, and I like to read how you think through next steps, etc. As to next week's border - I'm not telling . . . yet.