Sunday, June 01, 2008

Lazy Spring Nap

Lazy Spring Nap
Originally uploaded by GeneBlack
I had been using left over paint on a sheet of watercolor paper just randomly to avoid wasting the paint. The risk is wasting the paper. After the paper was mostly covered, I left it sitting where I could see it. I was hoping my muse would see something.

A couple of days went by and something tingled. I grabbed a brush. No, that wasn't what I needed. Finally I spotted a little bottle with a pointed nib. It had white gesso in it. PERFECT. I picked it up and started drawing on the paper. I suppose that the warm days and my desire to find a place to snooze inspired this. Soon, I had outlines of trees, with a hammock stretched between them and some other (somewhat strange) linework too.

A day passed as that stared back and taunted me from the easel.

I started by grabbing a brush and painting in the tree trunks with a thin wash of burnt sienna (I think.) Then some dabs of green for leaves on the trees.

I let it rest and waited. This evening I started with plans to enhance the leaves a bit. Ha, the best laid plans of mice and men.... Not to mention artists at the mercy of a muse. (A muse, amused ? hmmmm.....)

Much later I stepped back and beheld this.
I am not sure if it is finished, if it will be painted over or what, but I thought I would share it with you.

Comment freely, but be gentle.


mcdc3s said...

Oh it is beautiful.
I love the added touch the line/gesso gave. It is perfect just as it is.

Gene Black said...

Thanks Maralena

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

It's beautiful, Gene. The colors are enchanting.

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Gene - this is gorgeous! And you quilt too! Impressive! Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind words. :) Marva