When she opened it she looked happy. Then she looked inside and found the tag. "You made this?!?!" Her mother was there at the retirement tea also. "Mama, look he made this for me." Wow, htat really made me feel good. Then several ladies took it and checked it out.
They liked it also. I may have to make more purses.
After she finished opening her gifts, her sister took this picture of us. Look at that smile on her face. Definitely worth the work.
what a good feeling when someone loves what you make. great purse by the way!
Gene you surely cannot be a novice! From a purseaholic (I should stand up and state my name!) I salute you. I love the design and the colors. I am jealous of your machine quilting. And what a joy it must have been to your coworker to receive it! You can make one for me any time. :) Blessings, marlene
Hi Gene,
Thanks for leaving me a comment on my blog...
Fancy paying for Oxalis, sorry, but I can't help but grin!
Love the bag, great work!
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