Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Couple of Starts

There are two projects that I have started recently.  I have not been very productive as the holiday and some opportunities to visit family I don't see often filled my time.

Here is the start of another notebook - this one is a commission piece.
This angel embroidery is one of my favorites. The sketchwork angel in the light blue is overlaid with the outlined angel in a darker blue at the front. 
I need to get moving with this one so that I can ship it before Christmas. 

I also worked on some weaving.  This is a "random three color weave along." 
My colors were 1. Pale Goldenrod 2. Beige & 3. Crimson.  I choose to use the
closest colors that I had in my weaving yarn stash. These three have to be at least 60 percent of the woven fabric. I thought it was a great challenge to take, so I joined in. 

The pictures are in reverse order - I finally added a bit of blue that isn't in the "3-color" plan. I am sure I will add a few bits of other color as I go. 
I have woven over a yard (I haven't measured it lately.)  The main colors that I used in the warp are in a basket -to aid in staying with the plan.  I can weave on this in odd minutes and it doesn't require any planning ahead as I can just sit at the loom and weave for a few minutes or more and then stop when I need to do something else.
At some point soon, I need to take this off the loom and make a scarf that has been commissioned.  I am thankful that this loom has the option to take this off to work on a separate project without disturbing the weaving in progress.

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Jeanna said...

The notebook cover is so pretty. I love the colors.

Marlene said...

Your Random 3 Colour weave is looking great Gene. You've done a wonderful job working with such high contrast yarns. I love your angels too. Wow, very nice piece.