I have been working on a couple of projects that are not ready to be shown yet. But in the meantime, I am also working on a new video for my YouTube channel.
In the last post, I showed that I was using the Derwent Inktense pencils to add color to a quilt project. I got a few questions AND saw that there is some interest in this technique. So, I am planning to share it with you in a how-to video.
To prepare, I have been thinking of how best to show the possibilities. To do that, I sewed out some embroidery designs to color in much as I did on my quilted project. Here are those designs.
I hope that with the tulip design I can show how to fill in smaller spaces.
With this quilting design, I hope to show how it is possible to stop one color and start another without a stitch line to separate it. When you can do that, the possibilities increase.
This last photo shows two of the same design, but you will notice that one is much darker.
This is also a single run quilting design.
That means that the line is essentially a running stitch that is sewn in a single line.
But the one on the left is actually sewn twice. In the photo it looks slightly blurry.
There is a reason!
I had the machine to repeat the pattern a second time, but used the controls on the machine
to push the design one tiny fraction of an inch both down and to the right.
This makes the line appear darker - and it doesn't look "blurry" in person.
If you have an embroidery machine, realize that it is a tool and you can use it to do things that are a bit different. You can also stop the machine during a design and change the thread color if you want.
Okay, I can't leave this post "colorless." That just isn't in my nature.
Here is one of my abstract landscape paintings from several years ago.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

No need to apologize - you do your thing - we'll be here when you're ready to share the wonderful things that you've been up to - but until then - thanks for the heads up on the new video and for sharing the beautiful abstract landscape - ;))
I am looing forward to your video. Did you have a name for your landscape?
Yay, you added a colorful painting! I feel I may have seen it before, but am not sure. Like Pamela I wonder if it has a name.
I don’t have the supplies or machine for your upcoming video, but I always enjoy them and will watch it regardless. They always give me ideas how I can do things better.
The rest of your post was interesting but I love the painting, it is stunning.
I'm looking forward to that video.
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