Here is the sort of full on shot.
I have played around with various quilting designs as I worked through the rows.
Several people asked about the cardboard dulcimer. I was planning to do a video
playing it while I had my camera man available. His camera wasn't charged up,
so that didn't happen. Here is a photo of it as it looks today.
My plan is to do some more painting on it. This is the third way I have painted it.
I simply haven't decided just how to paint it.
Lacking the playing video, I decided to make a very simple video so you can hear the sound
of the instrument. I was holding the camera/phone in the other hand so I couldn't do any chords.
This dulcimer is tuned to an open "D" chord so that is what you are hearing.
I normally play this with a pick (seen in the photo) or a turkey quill. But sometimes, I play
with my fingers although it is rough on my fingernails. I know of one autoharp player who
gets his "picking" nails coated with acrylic at a nail salon so he can play with his nails.
I need to check on the price and see if I might find it worthwhile to do that.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative