These ladies are more sketches from imagination and memory. They are not anyone in particular, but simply my creations.
Next up are two more sections of the Party Quilt that I am slowly creating.
You have seen part of this in the past. When the photo was taken, this were laid together while I was
making decisions as to how it would be joined.
This next piece started as a wonky square in a square block.(red, blue, yellow, lavender.)
That block was layered with a solid piece of batik and cut on a rough diagonal.
The pieces were switched and joined into two blocks.
Then those blocks were joined.
I went on a search for a photo of the block before it was sliced, but to no avail.
Here is the result of the joined pieces.
It is "weird" and I love it.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

I love the way you sketch these faces. I have tried this style and it doesn't work for me. LOL It works for you though. Ohhh this quilt is so brilliant. I know how much work goes into this and I applaud you. It is simply gorgeous. Thanks for sharing with FFO but don't forget to link up with Mr. Linky. Have a great day today.
...when life gives you scraps, make quilts!
Yur face sketches are very arty, and i love your colourful quilts! Have a great weekend, hugs, valerie
Good faces Gene
I like your sketch style. I can see the expressions of boath, and it's important👍 Lovely quilting 😍
Enjoy weekend 🏡 it's close to ⛱️
The quilt is coming along fantastic Gene, and nice faces for this week. Have a super weekend.
Love your ladies and your wonky "weird" block - your "Party Quilt" is coming along nicely - ;))
I bet those ladies liked to have fun!
Your lady on the left looks like me ... my glasses are forever sliding down my nose :) I love your "wonky" quilt piece. It takes courage to be wonky and you certainly have courage and talent. I still keep wishing that someday, down the road, you will have time to do my silly little piece (wonky would be allowed :), but I do appreciate why you can't and still love coming over here to see what you are up to.
Andrea @ From the Sol
I may have said this before, but your face sketching reminds me of my mother's. I think your finished Party Quilt will be a delight to see. Have a good week of creating, Gene!
It is nice to watch your ladies. They looks nice and have curious expressions. Love it!
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