Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Tabs

Hi folks this is a very short post.  I just wanted to let you know that I have added a couple of new tabs at the top here.  There is now a tab for my Quilting Videos. There is also another tab that has videos of me playing penny whistle and occasionally something else. (A side note to the Twinkle Star Duo:  I did not put your video on here. So don't go into a panic!)


Tangos Treasures said...

LOL look at you go!! You got a new signature too! Love it!!

SewCalGal said...

I like your new tab. Excellent.


Pat said...

WHEW.....I'm glad you added that last comment!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Checked out the Entertainment tab, and had no idea what a Tim Tam was until you demonstrated.
I'm smiling here!

Barb said...

Hey I like your signature...I did a new one yesterday and it will be on my next post..finally figured out how to get it on there.

You are getting your blog organized.

Royce said...

You new tabs are great - kind of makes our blogs like a web site. Now if we could just work out how to sell of them it would be perfect.