Then I used some upholstery/home dec fabric from my stash to make the back. I did the envelope method....and messed it up. I ripped it apart and did it again. I didn't realize what happened
The fabrics on the halves matched almost perfectly. I can see the overlap, but I promise -that matching was just one of those small miracles that sometimes happen. I take no credit for that.
I see that the busyness of the fabric helps that illusion a bit also.
There are more shirts in the dryer that will cover the matching pillow - although it won't match when it is covered. The question now is "What will I back it with?"
While this post was sitting as a "draft" I went right on and made the other cover. The front:
The upper right corner uses the yoke of the shirt back turned sideways; while the lower right blue is part of the front and part of the back with a seam in the middle.
For the back, I used parts of two more shirts that were destined to be rags.
While the two pillows have enough in common to "go together" - they don't "match" per se. I like that better than "matchy/matchy."
The other nice thing about these are that they will be used and will also serve as "comfortable memories" for Mom as well as my brother and me.

Small miracles and comfortable memories - VERY nice - time well spent - ;))
So glad you did this for her. Really good job:)
Perfect, Gene! I hope using your talents in memory of your Dad brought you additional peace.
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