One of the chairs on the set had a hole on the side - the side that has to face the audience. A big wad of stuffing was poking out of it. One of the actresses and I were both itching to fix it - and we discussed bring needle and thread to work on it. I clipped a single thread to use for color matching.
Here is a photo from a dress rehearsal with the chair prominently at the front of the stage.
If you look carefully you can see the patch, but it now only looks like a worn spot in the velvet. The patch is in the cutout just below where the arm attaches to the back of the chair.
Once I found that one of my weaving threads was close in color, I warped a small lap loom with that thread and wove a small piece of fabric - but not too small this piece was leftover.
That piece measures roughly 2" by 2" and is a simple plain weave. With it, I took a small sewing box that I made from an old tin that mints came in.
There are several needles, a thimble, a container of thread conditioner, and extra threads in it. I also carried this quilting thread as a "just in case" addition.
Behind the spool is a magnetic needle minder that I can attach to my shirt to keep my needle rather than laying it down and misplacing it. In the back is a pouch that I carried these things in - along with a few other sewing supplies for any "wardrobe malfunctions."
This play should be a laugh riot. Please people, if you go to see a live comedy -DO Laugh - laugh heartily and loudly. Why?? It feeds the performers and helps to make the show better. We do our best, but your laughter helps us to up the game a bit. And also laughter is good for your body and spirit.
All Craftsy Classes Under $20 (3/8-3/11)

I guess it is just like when you are with a bunch of friends, they laugh at your jokes and you just keep at it and I can see how it increase the acting ability.
How ingenious you are! At a distance, one could never tell. You are so multi-talented, and I am laughing for all of you to have a super show!
Wonderful mend job! I don't get to much live theatre, but I would love to.
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