For the Friday Face Off, Nicole and I had talked about doing watercolor. Of course neither of us had time to actually do it. So we both chose to use AI. The first one has a watercolor effect background that I love. The prompt that I gave the AI creator was "boys with feathers" - which it clearly interpreted as "wings."
For some reason, a lot of my attempts come out looking a bit like anime.
The second one is boys with wings in abstract(can't beat'em join'em philosophy)
This one is darker and a bit mysterious. I like it.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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These are great Gene. It is amazing what AI can do, and I still haven't tried it yet. :( Happy March to you. And have a great weekend also.
...a local artist Dianne Dengel (1939-2012) paints impish children familiar to your first one. Stay creative my friend.
I like both results!
Very good
Absolutely beautiful!
OMGosh!!!! Yours turned out much better than mine. Great imagination for AI. You make me happy. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very nice day.
These look so magical
I definitely like the second one better, Gene. It really invites you deeper into the image. My eyes went right to the first one before I read the text. I was thinking why does each boy only have one wing. Ah ~ AI ~ lol!
Loving them both, so pretty and imaginative! Is there a story why the smaller boy seems to have an extra arm(?)
My internet has created a glitch, so I am running late visiting. You do SO well with AI. You seem to have it mastered. Great job, Gene.
Both creations are interesting...I really like the darker one. What does that say about me? LOL
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