Monday, May 13, 2024

Quilt Pieces - No Plan

Somedays you just need to do something creative. The day this happened I had some scraps on my table and said "Hmmmm.... I could just sew those together."  Then things happened as I said "What if....?"  Suddenly I had to chunks made and pressed and sort of trimmed.  Certainly more trimming could happen OR more pieces could be sewn onto either of them. 

The tilted cross block was first. I started with the green and purple. Then I saw that orange strip and said "Oooh, I want to add that into this!"  And I did. 

One piece was trimmed off that block before the photo. There was more of the green, some purple and a white on white strip. The blue batik was a strip trimmed from a quilt backing. 
One piece of green was cut with a wavy edge. Hmmmm... I placed it on top of part of the blue batik and matched the curves. I love the motion that adds to the piecing. 

Where will these go?  As yet, I don't know. I do NOT have a plan but I am sure they will find a home in a nice wildly scrappy quilt like this one or maybe this one.

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


DVArtist said...

OMGosh!!! I love this! First the colors are something I would use. The design is brilliant. I can't wait to see where this will go. You are such a talent my friend.

Vicki W said...

It's fun to just play!

Tom said... day often starts out with a plan and quickly turns into unexpected experiences. It's good to throw things out the window. Be well.

Jeanna said...

I love it when you let the "What If" take over.

Jennifer said...

I like it!