I have already learned something in this quilt along. You see, I normally iron all the seams on a row one direction. Then the next row I reverse directions so that the seams nest. But the directions for this said to iron the top and bottom rows outward from the center and the middle row both seams in toward the center. It worked great. The seams still nested. But the bonus is that when I tried to sew the bottom row to the top row, the seams didn't nest and I took a second look. It saved me from ripping out that seam.
Are you doing any quilt alongs? Have you ever done a quilt along? Did you like it? Why or why not?
This will be a sampler quilt. For me that is a good thing. I have made a sampler every year for the past 3 years. Each year the same lady has bought the sampler at my November sale. So I need to have one ready.

Hi Gene,
No, I've never joined a quilt a long...but oh have I dreamed about it and drooled and have been so inspired. My problem is having my own things to finish up and I kept following....I'd be following everyone and I'd have even more UFO's. I dream of the time when I can just participate in a quilt a long...there has been so many wonderful quilt a longs.
Have fun and I'll admire yours while I work to finish my UK quilt.
LOVE your fabrics! I am doing this QA as well. I enjoy the slower paced quilt alongs, block a week or block a month type things. I loved doing Konda's Layer Cake Quilt Along a while back. It was just the right pace.(Though I still have not put the top together.)
I have learned that I don't keep up with quilt-alongs, so I don't join them now. Interesting concept for the way to press the seams on a 9-patch block. I'll have to try that sometime.
I have never done one but I am tempted to try this one
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