I was just wanting to do this quickly to see how difficult it would be. So I fused two pieces of solid color fabric (not hand dyed - I don't want to waste those. )
Here is what I came up with.
I should have measured for cutting so that the rays going out from the center would be more even. I will call it a "semi-success" since it did work out. I am not sure what I could use it for, but it reminds me of the psychedelic sixties. I mean, what I have seen in movies and on television (wink wink.)
Now what on earth can I use this particular piece for? I am open to suggestions.
Maybe I should try a half circle!

I like that the rays in the center are not even-more whimsical that way--perhaps a pincushion?
The half circle is even more psychedelic
That is a very interesting piece, Gene. I have no ideas on what to do with it but I'm sure whatever you do, it will be amazing.
You could make a half-circle in orange and/or brown and have some psychedelic turkey feathers. Thanksgiving is just around the corner - ;))
Thats really neat. It looks like the inside of one of those glass blown paper weights. If you had two of them you could make a plush owl critter and those could be the eyes : )
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