Pressing, cutting and more thinking happened before diving right in. The idea I had in mind changed as I went. Suddenly I had this:
It is just a bit wonky and unusual - hey! just like me! I used a mustardy gold color fabric for the lining -it peeks out at the sides.
So what is it for?
I didn't measure at all. But it is the perfect size for my Kindle Fire. Since I didn't buy or make a cover for the latest one (bought at a ridiculously low price) this is perfect.
I also re-visited card or tablet weaving on my larger inkle loom. The cards act as shafts in the loom, making it a type of four shaft loom. (Shafts raise and lower the threads to create patterns in the cloth.)
I threaded up twenty cards with four threads each to start weaving this particular pattern.
The pattern draft used gray, green, yellow, black and white as the colors. I substituted teal/aqua for the green. Purple took the place of yellow, as navy did for the black. I love the color combination.
This is a very precise, orderly, planned out type of weaving which is in contrast to the Saori - freestyle weaving that I do on my floor loom. I am thinking that combining the two in a project could be wonderful.
If you happened to miss my affiliate post (Friday) for Craftsy's supply sale, let me remind you that they are having a sale of up to 50% off on supplies.
I went looking for temptation and found this one at 50% off. There are 40 fat quarters in this box. I am mightily tempted.
from: Craftsy
This post contains ad links.

imagination prevails! So you are thinking ahead to combining precise and free-style weaving? Why not? If it hasn't ever been done, you are the most likely to experiment!
sounds like a fun creative day Gene
You have a real knack for creating beautiful (and precisely woven!) bands.
I absolutely love the design and color of this piece!! So glad there are people like you to do this stuff that is WAY beyond me! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
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