For this face, I decided to try some Inktense pencils for some of the features -and to adjust the color of some of the fabrics. At this point, all of the facial features are made with the pencils. I will of course be adding stitches for more definition. Some white paint will be added to put a small highlight in the eyes.
The red flower headdress is made of another piece that I started and was not happy with the composition. Luckily I had just fuse-tacked the pieces in place, so most of them were able to be salvaged. I think they made a nice headdress. Perhaps you remember this lady's niece, "Flower Girl"
She was my first in the series of faces. I had made one face prior, but I don't count that one in the series. Flower Girl actually has flowers in place of her hair. Mme. LaFleur wears a flower headdress to support her unusual niece. I can certainly see that my style and my skill has increased as I have continued to make these faces.
However, I am thinking that perhaps I need to start a new series. I just need an idea that sparks my creativity.
Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible.
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Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

Wow! This is amazing. I can't wait to see all the face in this series. Have a great day today.
Another GREAT addition to your face series - and it's so nice that she is supporting her unusual niece! You could so a series of flowers next - you certainly have an "eye" for them - ;))
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