Friday, October 04, 2024

Frankie by Graham Norton, a book Review.

Frankie by Graham Norton is quite a story.  I don't feel that I read the book but rather that I lived it.   The story begins with the title character, Frankie, older and recovering from a fall.  A caregiver has been hired to look after her, but she is resistant.  Gradually, Frankie learns that this caregiver, Damian is from a place very near where her life started.  As Frankie warms to Damian, she begins to share stories of her life.  While the context shifts from present to past and back many times, it is handled so smoothly that you will never lose track.   
Mr Norton spins a tale that begins in Frankie's childhood and carries into her later years.  The characters are well developed and richly drawn. You are sure to fall in love with some of them - as well as wondering how some others can be so self-centered.  I found the book almost impossible to put down, reading it with a voracious appetite.  A few of the characters were so imbued with personality and richness of character that I wanted them to be real people that I could yet meet.  Kudos to Mr Norton for his newest book.  I feel that this book shows both his wit and the depth of his heart. 

You should know that I received an Advanced Readers Copy of the book. The scheduled US release date is January 14, 2025.  It is available for pre-order from both Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  It is likely available for pre-order from other book sellers. 
For those of you in the United Kingdom,  I see that Amazon UK has it available now. 

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

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