I had more warp thread left on the loom - I took a page from the Saori loom and made a longer warp then cut off and tied the warp back onto the beam. After emailing with Micki, who told me about the Saori loom originally, I mentioned a technique I wanted to learn. In a few short sentences, she explained it to me well enough that I was able to work with it.
The technique is using three threads in the weft. This allows a section of color that doesn't have to join the edges at all. But I decided to start at the edges and then let the color drift into the interior. Here is the start of the piece I am working on.
As you can see, the purple started as a few rows completely across the width of the fabric. then I added the yellow and the blue on either side. I kept the purple "inside" for a section and then let it drift to the right side. I then drifted it back to the left side. I am quite happy with this technique. I can see that it will allow me to add a far more graphic design into my work.
Someone asked if the previous piece would be just a hanging or if I would use it as a scarf. This caused me to remember a couple of pictures I took at HanDen Studios of work Denise, the owner, had made.
She has sewn some of her work into Japanese designed clothing.
These are two blouses that are simple yet exquisite. She also had another piece that she had semi-hidden. Of course I asked to see it. It is another blouse that is made of more than one piece of woven fabric.
This totally inspires me to think about how I could make something that *I* could wear from my woven fabrics. Of course the most obvious thing is a serapé or a gabán aka poncho.
I guess I need to think about it for a while longer.

Looks like you are going to have lots of fun with all your combinations.
Love what you did Gene! Don't you just love Saori fabric! I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed weaving the fabric and making unique clothing.
Can't wait to see what clothes you design in the future.
Good morning, always fun to learn new things. I love the Japanese blouses-what a fun way to make clothing to wear-Weave on
Your weaving just gets more beautiful! Your work is amazing and in such a short time.
Very nice work Gene. Interesting tops the shop owner made too. Looks like you are having a great time with the loom.
I know Micki is also very talented with the loom...you are both so creative and I love the purple in there Gene....nice work!
Gonna start calling you the "Weave Master"
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