Some of the cloth I have woven is now a piece of art that I can wear.
Two of my woven works were ruthlessly cut and chopped to make a vest. We did a quick photo shoot to show you the results.
Don't you love the play of the colors and textures in this? They certainly make me happy.
As for the back, I used a pair of discarded khaki pants that I cut and pieced. I also added the fringes from the other two ends of the weavings to add a woven band with fringe across the bottom of the back.
I think it has a delightful bohemian look that goes great with jeans. But I will be wearing it to church tomorrow with dress pants too. Ha ha. Artists are allowed to dress in a weird fashion. Aren't we?

Your creation looks way cool, Gene. I think that artists are indeed allowed to dress in their art if they so chose. I bet you get a lot of compliments tomorrow at church!
This turned out great! I know your hesitance to "ruthlessly cut and chop", but once past the first cut, I bet it was all downhill as you envisioned the outcome. If you have a tip for keeping the cut woven piece from unraveling while working with it, please share with me. I *really* love this, and I can see others who know you wove and sewed it wanting one. Be ready for the requests!
Nice work, Gene. Colors are nice combination.
Great job Gene!! Wonderful colors and what a neat cut and chop project!
I love your vest Gene. Yes artists can dress flamboyantly and the older they get the quirkier they can become. Just think what you can wear when you get to middle age?
Your vest turned out great. Very colorful.
What a great way to use your woven pieces. It looks great. And yes, artists are supposed to be a bit quirky. ;)
Awesome blog! :)
Gene, that looks awesome! You did a great job. I really like it. It looks a little Native American to me, too.
Love your vest, and you did a great job of sewing it together....the colours are beautiful? You look great in it!
Great vest Gene and I love the use of the jeans back. You are so creative!!
You are quite the model...ever think about doing it professionally????
The vest is to die for....just amazing.
I'm not nearly as brave as you are. I probably would have had to be sedated before I would cut into the woven piece. I'm glad your bravery was rewarded. The vest looks wonderful. The idea to use your old slacks for the back was inspired.
That is beautiful you handsome man! Can I just say I love it! So jealous I wish I could weave like that! You are a very talented man!
Very nice vest, great colors
Oh my goodness! This is kinda like deja vu, man! I love your new vest, Gene!!! And especially the fringes. This is a really cool piece. I love it! And yes, artists can dress in style. Not weird at all!
Wasn't cutting into your weaving a scary thing!? I remember the first time I did that I was a mess wondering if it was going to all fall apart. The vest is just gorgeous. Love the pattern and colors. Amazing job!
This is the BOMB! You look great in it!
This is the BOMB! You look great in it!
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